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実装財政ワークショップ Empirical Public Finance Workshop

小島ホール 2階 小島コンファレンスルーム (Kojima Conference Room on the 2nd floor of the Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall)) Hongo 7-3-1, Kojima Hall, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

13:00-14:00 野津 成希(大阪大学) The Decentralization of Police Forces in the Post-WWⅡ Era 14:10-15:10 福井 将来(関西学院大学) Empirical Analysis of Monetization and Fiscal Crisis 15:20-16:20 梅谷 隼人(神戸大学) Wildfires, Air Pollution, and Pregnancy Outcomes: Evidence from Lightning Strikes 16:30-17:30 牧野 佑哉(東京大学) Does the Attractiveness of Campus Location Influence Students' College Choices?